Technology changes Life:
Design thinking & scientific ideation training camp and scientific idea poster competition
Topic: Optics & Mixed Reality

Technology changes Life:
Design thinking & scientific ideation training camp and scientific idea poster competition
Topic: Optics & Mixed Reality
Welcome to the 2nd Technology Changes Life Dream Cup:
Calling all young scientists and inventors!
About the Competition and training camp:
The 2nd Technology changes life: Dream Cup is a Hong Kong-wide schools science camp and science idea poster competition. This exciting event is designed to foster innovation, creativity, and problem-solving skills among primary (P5-6) and secondary (F1-3) students. We invite you to join us on this thrilling scientific journey!
Competition and training camp highlights
Training Camp: Give students the opportunity to explore the fascinating world of optical science and AR/VR technology through hands-on training sessions. They will learn about optical science, build their own microscope, and delve into design thinking for solving problems. The training camp will take place on July 2nd and 9th at the HKPC.
Online Zoom Talks: Engaging online Zoom talks, held from July to August, will provide valuable insights and spark their imaginations. The topics include AR/VR technologies and their future prospects. How the science of light allows up to see further, faster, clearer, smaller.
1-on-1 Training and Mentorship: Participating teams will receive personalized guidance and mentorship to enhance their idea development and foster innovative thinking.
Competition Details:
Participating teams will showcase their newfound knowledge and creativity! They will be challenged to solve real-world problems. They will create captivating posters, either handmade or digitally printed, and will present their ideas and demonstrate teamwork and communication skills during the finale on September 23rd.
Prizes Await:
We believe in recognizing talent and effort. A total of 4000 HKD in cash prizes will be awarded, with the 1st place winning team receiving 1000 HKD from each school category (primary and secondary). Creative ideas will be evaluated by a panel of scientists during the finale presentation.
Join us in creating a transformative experience for students! Last year's competition saw participation from over 26 schools, and we invite you to be part of this extraordinary event.
Application Deadline: June 20th, 2023
Register participating teams today and let them embark on a thrilling scientific journey!
For more information or to get in touch, please contact us at:
Whatsapp: 9750 5395 (Dr. Chan)
Email: info@centaurioptics.com